green grass under blue sky during night time

What We Fear Is What We Find

Before we can begin to change our patterns, we must come to realize that we have been repeatedly creating situations that have the same meaning in our lives. For instance, the person who always finds themselves in an abusive relationship has an unresolved fear that continues to attract the same type of relationship. Of course, the person doesn’t realize they are attracting this, but it is repressed fear and the corresponding thoughts that repeatedly bubble up out of their subconscious that ultimately causes them to behave the way they do, in this way they are identified with being someone who is abused. Because they are so identified with their repetitive thoughts they behave correspondingly to those thoughts.

Our thoughts are truly powerful, and what we think about the most is what we will find the most within our lives. It is important to understand the relationship between emotions and thoughts. Thoughts and emotions go together, a thought can bring up emotions and emotions can bring up thoughts. If we never learn how to release or constructively express our emotions and we are always just repressing or destructively expressing them, then we give up our ability to change and grow. Repression of fearful situations and emotions inevitably leads to more of the same. A healthy relationship with our emotions and thoughts is one in which we realize that we can intentionally release them, or if needed, constructively express them.

Fear Is Disguised Opportunity

Before we can begin working with our fears it’s important to become more in tune with our bodies and our emotions. If we are so overloaded with thoughts and emotions that we cannot determine whether or not we are in fear, then we have no control over our emotions. Many people are in this situation today. We can feel fear over many things, often trivial in nature. And we all feel fear regularly, but most of us shy away from fear or simply repress it, though confronting the things you are afraid of is the best thing you can do for personal growth. If you can get really good at confronting and working with your fears your life will change for the better. You will begin to see that truly all fear is just an illusion.

The more fear we can overcome the more confidence we naturally grow in ourselves. Knowing that all fear is simply a road sign that’s attempting to assist us in growing allows us to reframe our relationship with fear. As we build our powers of observation through meditation we also build our abilities to see what we are fearful of, this gives us the chance to overcome and release our fears instead of simply creating more fearful situations for ourselves. Through learning about the things we fear we give ourselves more opportunities for personal growth. Each time we are able to face our fears we will grow.

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