white and brown city buildings during daytime
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Mass Mediocrity Opens Doors for the Brave

Most individuals never accept their greatness, and some would rather not see anyone around them accept theirs either. There are tons of uncharted opportunities in the world today, but it seems our own egos keep most of us locked into turmoil and tedium. Either our ego has convinced us that we’re not good enough to be independent creators of our own life, or it’s convinced us that we’re too good to be. Either way, I’m not personally convinced that anyone really wins working for someone else. There is no real reasoning behind all the chaos of the rat race, especially with all the opportunities available to those who are able to see the unbeaten paths just waiting to be forged.

Most of us had huge plans for what we would accomplish in life, and then we got sidetracked. Most of us get lost in an endless maze of psychological workplace games, surface level relationships, materialism, subtle or non-subtle addictions, and other meaningless activities. The thing that most of us don’t realize is that all these pointless situations are just an energy sink that keeps us from the truth of our own greatness. In a way, it’s not our fault, but in another way, it’s completely our fault. It’s not our fault because our society is mostly ignorant of some of the core workings of the mind and, on the whole, has never learned how to look within. It is our fault because only we can control our actions.

By Facing Ourselves, We Free Ourselves

For those brave enough to look at themselves objectively, a funny thing happens, they begin to see the absurdity and ridiculousness of their own ego. They start becoming less interested in the power and political struggles inherit within their culture and more interested in learning more about themselves and the things that are really fulfilling to them. The formerly denied vulnerabilities that once wasted so much of their energy start healing and that energy becomes available to them again. Playing some mundane workplace game becomes absolutely ridiculous and is seen for what it is, a waste of time and valuable energy that could be spent working towards their own visions.

The beauty of this “energetic rerouting” is that it works extremely quickly. As an individual realigns through consistent meditation practice the rest of their life begins to improve also. Some of the things that we may experience are that:

  • Our energy levels will significantly increase as we begin to tune back into our bodies.
  • Our diets may need to change as we start to notice how certain food makes us feel afterward, where before we were just eating anything that came along.
  • Our level of awareness in social interactions is raised, so we begin to see situations more clearly and are able to take action accordingly.
  • Our creativity and ability to focus will naturally be expanded, enabling us to move forward with our own endeavors, not someone else’s.

There are tons of other benefits to a consistent meditation practice, but with just the ones I’ve mentioned above an individual can begin harnessing their true power and have greater control over themselves and their life. They can discover, without a shadow of a doubt, that there has been a greatness within them trying to get out. Once this part of themselves is discovered, nothing can take it away, and they can no longer deny it. But instead of this newfound greatness being egoistic in nature, it manifests itself, even if only gradually, as a healthy confidence and serenity of being. In this way, an individual can find their true seat of power in the world.

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