lake between trees and mountains

Life Is About Letting Go of What You Are Not

In any situation we can possibly find ourselves in, there is a lesson to be learned. The quicker we learn the lesson, the sooner we break the circular pattern that we so often find ourselves in. When you really go into this pattern of thinking, you’ll realize that in every obstacle you’ve ever encountered in life, the moment you found courage was the moment that the situation changed for the better. When we let go of fear we come to a more equilibrious state within ourselves.

The Struggles In Life Enable Contrast

Often, if a person has been living in a fearful state, there is no contrast. They don’t even realize they are living in fear, they just chalk it up to a phrase such as “that’s life”. What we find in our personal world is simply a reflection of what we believe to be reality. But our current reality, as far as we are able to perceive it, is just an abstracted sliver of infinite creative potential. The “real you”, the part deep down, is not afraid of anything and it does not limit itself. So when you really get there, you know that there’s nothing to fear and you open up to the reality of a life without boundaries, or at least with only the ones you set for yourself. You find that all you’ve ever been searching for is to be fully alive in the present moment.

We Are Born Blissful, We Learn To Be Afraid

We all have a natural state of being, we were in this state when we were young children, when we were happy just to be alive. The natural inclinations we had as children were very personal and very individual. They are still there, dormant, just waiting for us to reclaim them. The beauty of reclaiming them when we are older is that now we also have enough knowledge of our culture to survive, but we gain the creativity of a child. This is what all the great people of history knew. This is why they were fearless. They could see through the veil of conventional thought into places where others could not see. This is what having a heightened state of consciousness does for a person. What gets so many people stuck is that they’ve been walking the wrong direction so long that they fear turning around, and no one that deep in the forest is thinking clearly enough to give decent directions. To think clearly a person needs to be in a state of equilibrium.

Our culture has taught us that to survive we have to run faster than the person next to us, but in reality, when we do that we lose the things that we really want. We lose our internal peace along with our natural vision that provides us with real advantage in the world. We lose the ability to discern truth from falsehood. And we make decisions that don’t really serve us in the best ways. We also lose our ability to connect with others in any meaningful way. We did not come into this world empty-handed. We had innate gifts. We can find those again through meditation, along with so many other tools to assist us in making the transition back to following our hearts and speaking our own truth.

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