a black and white photo of a woman with her hair blowing in the wind
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A Simple Trick to Deal with Negative Emotions

Negative emotions are something I know well. I’ve spent plenty of time in states of emotional overwhelm, where I was unable to think clearly or focus on positive things or what I needed to get done. Sometimes, my emotions were so overwhelming that I just wanted to give up.

Around 2016, I came across the book “Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender” by David R. Hawkins. It changed my perspective on thoughts and emotions. Looking back now, I can honestly say that it changed my life.

It is a powerful book that I think is well worth a read, or even a few. I’ve read it twice now. I’ve added some affiliate links to the book below.

Here are the basics of what I learned about negative emotions and dealing with them:

  • Accept them as they are and allow them to be there.
    • The natural reaction may be to escape from them by distracting ourselves.
    • This escapism can cost us dearly, especially if we have unhealthy habits (alcohol, overeating, etc.).
  • They will eventually run their course, like a fever.
    • This may take days, weeks, months, or even years. But surrendering is worth the discomfort because life becomes progressively better.
    • See a chance to “just be” in silence–and allow your emotions to rise–as an opportunity to heal and grow.
  • Emotions and thoughts are related.
    • Negative emotions arise with negative thoughts.
  • Prioritize the emotion over thoughts.
    • A negative state can trigger hundreds or even thousands of separate thoughts.
    • If we prioritize thought we will likely just be stuck with the negative feelings much longer.

With all that said, the “trick” to dealing with negative emotions is so simple we overlook it. That trick is to simply allow the emotion to be there and to sit with it. As if the emotion is a swift and cunning housefly that’s buzzing around the room, and we’ve given up on swatting at it.

Cover artwork of the book "Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender" by David R. Hawkins.

Kindle | Audible | Paperback (Affiliate links)

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