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Knowing Ourselves Is the Only Way to Be Great

We all want to be great in the things we do in life. We want to be great parents, great at our vocation, and just great all around. However, an interesting condition seems to arise that, left unnoticed or not attended to, causes all sorts of barriers to being great or even being satisfied with life. This condition is one in which a person convinces themselves that they are something altogether contradictory to their natural state. Each of us has a blissful natural state of being, but as we go through life we tend to collect false beliefs about what we are. We often begin identifying with things that aren’t aligned with our naturally blissful state. These identifications, if not recognized, become ingrained beliefs about who we are. How can we be in our blissful natural state with beliefs about ourselves that are not aligned with that state?

When we come to believe what we are is something opposed to our natural state we lose trust in ourselves. When we lose trust in ourselves we lose power over our actions and we are easily manipulated by our environment. It takes a courageous individual to look inward and see themselves as they are, all the bad and the good together. However, those who have the courage are greatly rewarded for it. The more we know ourselves, the more we can change our brains to begin working for us instead of against us. Eventually, we are less and less bound by programs we unintentionally created that are simply running repeatedly and bubbling up from our subconscious.

Life Is What You Believe It To Be

Most people make life far more difficult than it needs to be. When everyone around us is seeing life in some dreary mechanistic way, the easiest thing to do is to accept the idea that “that’s just life”. But, the truth is that our world is just a reflection of what we believe it to be, like a hall of mirrors. So the mere act of buying into negativity causes the reinforcement of negativity around us. Once a person makes some progress in their meditation practice their mind becomes more adaptable and flexible. They are able to change their beliefs to be more aligned with their natural state of being. When a person changes their ability to perceive the world, their perception of the world also changes, that’s one of the big secrets that many wise people are trying to get across. We attract circumstances into our lives that are in accordance with our beliefs about ourselves and the world.

The way to becoming those powerful and courageous people we all admire is to remove our false beliefs about who or what we are in order to become open to what we might become. The realizations that we come to during the removal of these beliefs aren’t always pretty. But seeing ourselves as we are, without judgment, is the first step in being able to align ourselves with our true desires. We can then start to harness more and more of our mental capacity and focus it on the things that we really want, instead of the things we don’t want.

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