Boxer being coached between rounds.
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Anxiety: Our Integrated Life Coach


  • Hugh Jackman says cools stuff sometimes.
  • “Shadow work” is part of self love.
  • Gratitude is a cool attitude.

When I was researching my last post–about how I appreciate Hugh Jackman for his openness around meditation and his battle with fear–I heard Hugh talking about how you can’t get rid of “those nerves”. He was referring to anxiety, which is low-grade fear.

He says, in an interview he had with Oprah in 2013, that anxiety appears for a reason and that it means “you need to do more work or you’re not ready… that fear drives you, without that fear you would not be here today”. I believe he means well when he says that, though someone in the throws of extreme anxiety may have a hard time accepting that.

Reframing our relationship with anxiety is part of “Self-love”

Hugh’s perspective may be seen as contrary to the idea of self-love. But, it’s not at all; it’s incredibly aligned with it.

Prioritizing our well-being is a basic part of self-love. By committing to becoming better people, we actively embrace ourselves, shadow and all. The fears we have can show us many things. If we deny they exist, they will just keep wearing us down.

We’re not given a choice when it comes to fear and anxiety. The only sane option is to accept these emotions. However, Hugh’s perspective seems to go beyond mere acceptance, and into seeing these emotions as a guide that is driving us towards greater things.

Your RDA of Gratitude is Suggested

Forming a relationship with the darker regions of our minds is the basis of “shadow work”. By consciously approaching our worst thoughts and emotions, we can unlock their secrets and the gifts within. But–like watching too many horror movies–spending too much time in a negative headspace has its drawbacks. 

The ticket to pulling ourselves out of the depths is gratitude. Eckhart Tolle said it well in his book “A New Earth” when he wrote “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

Practicing gratitude forms a “winner’s mindset”. When we’re grateful for what we have, it’s like we’ve already won. And that assurance will expand our mindset and our life.

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